Why Do I Give Books Away For FREE? (KDP Select)

I was offering one of my favorite books for free on Amazon last week, (and it is not just my favorite because I wrote it…well... maybe a little). Anyway, I was sending out emails and advertising this particular book on Facebook, which I normally do, when I got the most interesting email back. It was from a wonderful supporter of mine. She thanked me for offering my book for free and offered to share the information, (which I had requested in the email), then she asked, “May I ask why you are OK to offer your books for free? Just curious.”

What a great question! I had never thought about telling anyone why I do this, as I didn’t think anyone wondered about it, or even cared! But I was happy to answer her, and here was my response:

“Just think about the billions of people in the world that need guidance, the one's who need it free, will find it for free. (It does not affect sales, which is what people worry about.) Those who have money will pay for it in the future if they wish, or buy them as gifts for others. But you cannot help anyone; if you cannot reach them. So it is just a gift from me to whoever needs it. I have needed things on occasion, when I had no money.”

I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart! It is the most wonderful feeling in the world when you have no money, or you are in need of something, and it is suddenly provided for you. The most amazing feeling comes over you, and it is in that instant when you feel like,  “Someone really IS watching over me. Thank You!” And when this happens it feels like a little bit of weight has been lifted off of your shoulders.

I have been there. I have been in need and I have been provided for. So if I can give back, I will.

There are many different reasons people offer their books for free on Amazon, to get higher rankings, to get exposure, resulting in hopefully higher sales. And truthfully, it helps. But to me, those things are just a bonus. It is not something that I am expecting, or counting on, by any means. Believe me, people do not become an author, or a psychic for that matter, with the expectation of becoming rich. If you are in this line of work seeking fame or fortune, you may want to reconsider...just saying.

I do what I do, because I love what I do. I am an author and a psychic who enjoys writing, and helping people. No matter what you do, no matter where you are, never let the fear of "lost sales" get in the way of helping someone in need, because you may be the "someone in need" someday.