This Woman Is An Inspiration!

I received an email last week after my blog post Why Do I Give Books Away For FREE? (KDP Select) and I was really blown away! I thought to myself, “This woman is such an inspiration!” So I thought that I would share her letter with you, (with her permission of course).


Her name is Kat Kells, well, it’s her pen name anyway, she is in her 50’s and lives in Vermont. Kat lives a very average life. She works very hard at her job in order to make ends meet, all while struggling with money and her health. But she is an incredible writer, and I sure you will think so too, her story sucked me in right away! I know so many of you will resonate with her struggles and what she is going though. That's why I wanted to share her letter with you. I want you to know that, you are not alone in your struggles. But I also want you to see her turn around, and what she is doing about it. It's possible to make your life better, she is living proof! That's why I think she is an inspiration to so many people. (This post is a little longer then the other ones, but it’s worth the read).


Hi Jen!

I was reading your blog post about the question as to why you let a book for free.  I loved your response.  It really resonated with me, as did your book.  For me, it was a right place, right time thing - or perhaps, I was led to it by my spirit guides?

I've been in a not so great place for about a year now.  I've had some health issues.  Work has been difficult, to say the least.  All of our paychecks got cut with an increase freeze, while prices are skyrocketing.  My relationship status is...none.  I've been having unexplained panic attacks and not sleeping at all well.  ALL new for me.  I've been hating my life and not wanting to be a part of any of it.  No, I don't mean like suicidal - I just mean that I'm not liking this life and feel stuck in it as is.  But, was I doing anything to change it?  Well, NO!

I have a Kindle that I saved for months to buy.  To say I read voraciously is like saying the Arctic Tundra is a little nippy.  Brrr.  I read about 300-500 pages daily.  Because financially, things are tight, I check various sites daily for free Kindle books, and only pay for books from two or three favorite authors when they new release.  A few days ago, your "Soul DNA" came up for free.  I read the summary and it immediately caught my eye, so I got it.  All I can say is...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

I would never have bought the book, because, had it not come up on the free sites, I would never have seen it.  I usually read a book of that length in about an hour or so (Yes, retaining it all).  But this book - well, it took me over a day!  I kept going back and re-reading and re-reading...and then re-reading again.  I didn't want to just retain, I wanted to feel it.  It was more like, I needed to feel it.  Some parts gave me immediate goosies.  Others, I stopped to ponder and digest.  I loved it so much, I actually BOUGHT "Keys to the Spirit World" the next day! 

I've always known they were there.  I've never seen them, but I've felt them, and I've seen their handiwork.  I could give you a hundred examples of intervention.  They're impossible to miss - if you just pay a little attention.  But, I had never communicated with them.  I've tried, but, I think I was doing it just to goof around, not really seriously.  This time, I really NEEDED to communicate with them.  So, I did.

I've connected with three.  At first, I thought to myself, “sheesh, you’re obviously needing some serious help to need three of them!”  Two are little pixie-like beings, one male and one female - very childlike.  They're always giggling.  The third is an adult male.  I can't tell his age, but I'm guessing around my own age - 50ish.  He hasn't told me his name.  One of the kids said he's Michael, but the other laughed and said he's not Michael.  So, who knows?  He was kinda dour at first, responding to every yes or no question in a deep voice with, "Sadly not."  The kids, as I've come to refer to the pixies, just giggle at him, which seemed to annoy him at first.  A couple of days ago, when I woke, I asked him a question and made a smart alec comment about his response and he cracked up laughing.  It’s kinda weird.  I can see that he has dark hair and eyes, and he's big and tall.  I can see his expressions, like a grin, or a frown, even a laugh.  But I can’t see his face, or those of the kids either.  They’re kinda almost there, but never completely come into focus.

I'm amazed.  Completely.  I was ready.  I needed them.  They were there, and still are.  I’m trying to figure out why these particular beings are attached to me, specifically.  I know there’s a reason, and I know I need the extreme opposites that they are.  I was afraid that once I chatted with them, that they would disappear, or that I had just imagined them.  But they haven’t gone anywhere, and I know, as absolutely as I’ve ever known anything, that they’re not imagined.

It’s been a trip already.  When I exhibit self-doubt, the kids just laugh at me, which makes me laugh too, eliminating the doubt and negativity.  When I ask a question, the guy (I have no clue what else to call him), kinda tilts his head a bit and grins, as if to say, “Do you seriously not know the answer to this already?”  I laugh and think to myself, “Yeah, I thought so.”  

I'm not sure what happened, but I can tell you EXACTLY the moment it did.  I felt tingles, head to toes, one body part at the time, and then everywhere all at once.  And then, I felt peaceful and calm, just like that, and I have since.

So, I've come up with a plan to change my life, to become what I really want to be, to d the things I want to do.  I have energy  - so much energy, direction, and a sense of well-being.  I'd been having 3-8 panic attacks a day.  I haven't had one since that moment.  None.  Not even close.  I'm even driving the speed limit.  I'm usually a speed freak.  Who am I??  I don’t know yet, but I think, that finally, I’m going to find out and become who I’m supposed to be. 

So, thank you Jen, for writing.  And, thank you for letting your book for free.  I think you've kinda saved my life – or, at the least, directed me to the path where I can find it.

I’ll keep you posted.

Thank you.

Here's what is so incredible about this letter, and about Kat.

1) She realized what she was doing was not working for her. (People just think that life is supposed to be crappy, but she felt that was not the case).

2) She also realized she was not doing anything to change it. (This is REALLY hard for people to get, but she did!)

3) She decided to take control! (When that happens you are no longer a victim to life, but a choice maker with unlimited potential, way to go Kat!)

4) She stayed open to various possibilities, and therefore, received answers and guidance shortly there after. (She was OPEN to whatever guidance she was given, through her guides, books, whatever. And that get's you in tune with your own Spirit Guides and intuition. When that happens you get a clearer picture of what to do.)

5) She is taking action. (Another hard one for people. Kat has made a plan, she is going to write, and she is moving forth with it).

You see when I read her email, immediately I knew she got it...all in one shot, amazing! I hope this letter inspires you, to do the same. Many times people look at other people doing well and think, “They don’t know what it’s like to struggle to make ends meet, have health issues, etc.” But the thing is you do not know the struggles every individual has been through, or the things they have overcome to get there.

Kat is an amazing writer and I think that you will see a lot more from her, (even on this blog). I think that she will have a book out in the next year or so, and people may look at her and think, “Wow, I wish I could be like her.”

Kat is proof…you can change your own life in an instant!