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"Soul DNA® Activation Meditation Process" (MP3)

If you are feeling "Out of Sorts", fuzzy or unclear, abnormally agitated, "not normal" and don't know why, this technique can be very helpful! This technique takes place with the Etheric body. You have a spiritual and a physical body, the spiritual or “Etheric body”, is where the human energy field lies. You will clear residual energies out of your spiritual field and chakra system. Through this technique each of the chakras are spun, grounded and then rebalanced. When rebalancing the chakras, energy from the Mother Earth is also brought through your system to re-adjust your vibration. Mother Earth is in the middle of shifting its vibration and people must adjust to match the Earths new vibration. If they don’t they are left feeling “out of sorts”. Through this technique, the vibrational adjustment is made through the chakra system. Finally your Etheric body is recalibrated to match that of your spirit guide or guides new vibration as they have already naturally adjusted to the new energies of the Earth. Click HERE for testimonials.

Price: $9.95 (30 minutes)

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"What Lightworkers Must Be Aware Of" (MP3)

Calling all lightworkers, this is important information going into 2012! It used to be as a light worker that you could do your work and not worry about much. Energetic protection was suggested but not a necessity. However, with this new energy shift the rules are changing.  You need to be aware of some things that are potentially affecting you, your clients and your family. Things that you didn't need to pay attention to before. If you are a light worker or work in the metaphysical or spiritual field this contains very important information!

Price $.99 (24 minutes)

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"Good Spirits Vs. Evil Spirits In The New Consciousness Era" (MP3)

As a medium I used to deal with mainly white light spirits, but things are changing. New energies are coming in and with that has brought a flood of lower entities. It is not just affecting people like me but everyone and it is important to have as much knowledge on the subject as possible. I will discuss how to tell the difference between lower entites and white light spirits, what to look for and things to be aware of. Plus, why you should even be aware of lower entites, as well as how it affects your life. I will also give you tips on how to get rid of them.

Price: $.99 (27 minutes)

"Soul DNA" Book & Ebook

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